Development of computer technology for forming input control documents in the materials preparation for the cutting of garments

  • Sheromova I.A.

    Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
    Vladivostok. Russia


The study subject is the subsystem of the automated formation of the material piece passport in preparation for the cutting of garments. The purpose of the research is to develop computer technology of the main technical documents formed in the preparatory-cutting processes, in particular, the material piece passport. During the research methods of system analysis, theory of sets and relations, principles of algorithmic procedures were used. It is shown that the requirements of modern garment production necessitate the development of a computer technology for the materials preparation for the cutting of garments. An important aspect of this development is the creation of a technology for the automated process of forming in-house documents, including documents for incoming material control. The algorithmic and software support for the process of forming a material piece passport, taking into account the procedures for determining its grade, is proposed. The developed information support is presented on an example of woolen fabrics. The grading process formalization was carried out using the theory of sets and relations. To simulate the computational procedures and logic of the controller’s actions, mathematical dependencies and the logical conditions of the grading standards were used. The basis for operations with symbolic and textual terms is the coding system based on the use of a series of natural numbers. The developed mathematical and software support provides the possibility of performing materials input control procedures and forming in-house documents in an automated mode. The possibility of realizing this development using the traditional technology of obtaining the initial information was noted. At the same time, information processing and the formation of finished technical documents are carried out on the basis of computer technology. Algorithmic and software support was tested in real production conditions.

Keywords: sewing products, preparatory-cutting production, materials preparation for cutting, in-house documents, material piece passport, computer technology, algorithmic and software.